Regenesis Gathering logo

10% of proceeds go to Rainforest Conservation

The Regenesis Gathering is an immersive educational and consciously entertaining event. A model for an all inclusive and non hierarchical opportunity to enhance connectivity and build synergy in a specific bioregion. To organize in regards to identifying community resources and strategize action items.

This inclusive process assists in connecting individuals, organizations and resources that are involved in resilience, sustainability or regenerative activities.

The regenerative round table focuses specifically on the connectivity and evolution of environmental stewardship, holistic health, arts & culture, spirituality, peace & justice, sustainable living, community building, green energy, alternative economics and independent media.

The intention is to:

  1. Generate collaborations and action items to cultivate and accelerate implementing practical solutions to regional issues.
  2. To nurture an environment of collaboration not competition and enhance the overall quality of life for all.
  3. Elevate regional resilience and self sustainability.
  4. To activate the Alliance for Regenerative Communities ARC
  5. Produce and promote ongoing events / projects and future regional events.
  6. Establishing an Academy of Regenerative Culture in the Crestone Colorado area.
  7. Establishing an Academy of Regenerative Culture in Costa Rica {1,000 existing acres) and supporting biological diversity and conservation.

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